Section outline


    • Header - Te Rourou Whai Hua

      Block with text

      Welcome to Te Rourou Whai Hua

      This space is a collection and curation of resources already available to educators in Aotearoa. It is designed around the collaborative inquiry elements of He Pikorua in Action.

      Te Rourou Whai Hua represents the basket in which the gathered resources are stored, to be accessed and used in your work as and when you need.

      Button - about this space
button - a learning support framework
button - context for your work
button - spotlight on practice

      As a Learning Support Coordinator, you will work within the Learning Support Delivery Model (LSDM). It is the network of support for you to undertake your role in and across, schools and kura.

      The LSDM organises learning support around what best meets the needs of all ākonga within their local community. It has collaboration and flexibility at its heart. It supports an inquiry approach, which provides a framework for informed decision-making and planning to support the wide range of needs that are typical in any education community.

      He Pikorua in Action is an inquiry approach. It provides a collaborative process for your work in learning support teams as you identify and plan for the needs of ākonga who may require extra support for their learning in your education community. He Pikorua in Action can be used to plan for supports at a Kāhui Ako/cluster level as well as within a school and kura.

      Download He Pikorua in Action PDF and reflective questions PDF

      While He Pikorua in Action is represented as separate elements and the resources in Te Rourou have been organised according to those elements, it is not intended that you start one and then stop before continuing your inquiry. All good inquiries build on the elements and recognise their interdependence.

      By clicking on the individual elements of He Pikorua in Action below you can learn more about the resources that can 'strengthen your understanding' and 'support your mahi'.

      Button - build connectionsButton - gather informationbutton - sense-making
      button - plan collaborativley button - take action with integrity button - reflect together
      button - empower others He Pikorua

      For any feedback, questions or suggestions then please email us by clicking on the contact us button below.

      LSN network
contact us